Meribeth Robinson - Producer. Meribeth Robinson is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with 26 years of varied work experience in a Private Practice and a residential/mental health child-care facility, including 12 years as a clinical supervisor. She has a great passion for equality in our society, especially for our youth. She co-developed a curriculum that includes a video on how to keep our LGBTQ youth safe, entitled "Creating Safe Communities for our LGBTQ Youth." Through her networking, research and collaborating with people across the country she has embarked on the production of a documentary, “One Voice Many Faces.” In it she explores LGBTQ youth homelessness across the country. She has spent three years building relationships throughout the country finding ‘voices’ to help tell this story. Meribeth brings creativity, advocacy, and counseling expertise to any project she decides to explore. She has a deep commitment to create equality for all youth in our society. 

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